

Ugly Betty S01



sleek 時髦

enough of the pity party 別在自怨自艾了

pity party 自憐的事(自己覺得可憐的事)

chin up 抬頭挺胸


passed away 過世

flounce off 突然離開

grow a pair 長兩粒(睪丸) ex: You need grow a pair 你應該有勇氣點

  *It is a vulgar referral to the male scrotum " a pair of balls"! It infers that the gentleman in question has a lack of courage or is downtrodden in some way.


blow out 盛大聚會(把你家翻過來??)

run while you can 能閃則閃


got a plane to catch 趕飛機, 總得要抓住(該抓住的)

pull this off 搞定

hand-on 親自做

cover for 為誰掩飾

I need sb's eyes. 我需要sb.的眼光

put on sb. 拿(電話)給sb.聽

hit the news stands 新版本推出(販售)


just something I know 剛好知道而已

cool off (關係)冷下來

crap 該死

pack heat 保管東西

work sth. out 解決這事

2007-fresh off the lot   2007年最新的(車)

Doesn't ring a bell. 不知道

destined for… 註定要(是)…

my heart...doesn't race for anyone else. 我的心裝不下別人

freeze over 結凍


heavyweight 巨人(某行業很偉大or很強的人)

no-shi 沒戲唱

a hard-ass on... 在某方面很嚴很硬

Loiter much? 很閒嗎

stalk sb. 跟蹤sb.

give sb. sth. gratis 免費(gratis adv.)

stay in business 維持生意(這家店)

trying on sb. 試著跟sb.在一起

(time) + sharp (幾點)準時

cut it close 接近(時間)

attuned to nuance 注意小細節

Don’t stop on my account. 別因為我停止(你們的談話)


plunk sth. in sth. 用力踏下, 踩下, 放下

give you the benefit of the doubt 幫你澄清疑點

I don’t know how comfortable I am doing sth.. 我不知道我做這件事會不會好過

waddle off 離開

make myself clear 說的夠清楚

traipse in 遊蕩進來, 晃進來

sb. is engineered… sb. 被設計成…(天生就…)

grew to like you 開始喜歡你

grow as a person 成長

a passel of 很多

give it a shot 試一試(某件事)

cater 提供 (v.)

soon rather than later 很快

needle sb. 針對sb.

- needle sb. into sth. 刺激sb.去做sth. ex: needled the boys into a fight

Give him a taste 給他一點甜頭

Create a ticking clock 使時間變的緊迫

being such a good sport 這麼有運動精神


lick his wounds 療他的傷

kiss butt 拍馬屁

You are way too good to be… 你去做…太浪費了(你實力不僅於此)

Walk it off 溜走

You make it all sounds unseemly. 你講這些話不恰當.

really pay off 很值得


choke on 噎住??生氣??怪怪ㄉ

I mean it. 我是認真的

I'm swamped. 忙翻了

give you a hard time 刁難你

teach sb. some manner 教sb.一些禮數

mind-blowing 興奮(刺激的)

“bag” the hottest girl again 再次奪走hottest girl

hook sb. up 帶sb.一起來

He dumped me. 他甩了我

I want to mingle. 我要去(跟大家)打交道

No argument. 別討價還價

Brave. (用在做某些新奇的事)真勇敢

become an only child 繼續被矇在鼓裡

porta-potty 流動廁所

make a big splash 造成轟動

so many fire to put out (應該是有很多小事要處理)


sent permanent waves to… 在…引起了層層波瀾

source suspect 據消息稱

it was none other than sb. that… 是sb.做了…(就是sb.做了…)

put sb. away 把sb. 弄走

which side to fall on 站在哪一邊

let's just cut to it 就直話直說吧

spare sb. sth. 向sb. 花了很多時間做sth.

put a rumor to rest 讓謠言平息

suck up 拍馬屁

we're buying time 我們在爭取時間

end up in power 最終要掌管權力

sth. is a lot to process 要接受sth.很難

sth. hold up sth.可做為榜樣??

string sb. along 牽絆著sb.

on the verge of a nervous breakdown 快崩潰了


reach out to sb. 接近sb.

stand sth. up 放sth.鴿子

I am $2 short. 我少了2塊錢

stick around here 留在這兒

It's not like I don't regret some of the things I've done in life. 我又不是都不會後悔我做的事.

your sadness is like a turn-on 你的傷心讓我想要(那個)

It's kind of a buzz kill. 有點煞風景

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